I was elected as one of your RA councillors in May 2021. Since then I have been working hard to protect this lovely corner of Elmbridge and serve your best interests.
Residents hold the balance of power in EBC. Your RA councillors have a major voice and we make a real difference. I was appointed to the Cabinet in May 2022 and I have served two years as Portfolio
Holder for Community Care. I am passionate about helping our elderly and vulnerable residents, having been a carer for my mum and a Meals on Wheels volunteer, and I work tirelessly to champion these
services within Council. I also represent EBC on Kingston Hospital Trust, the Health Liaison Panel, Citizens Advice and CHEER and sit on the Elmbridge Connects Advisory Body, Cost of Living Group and
Annual Grants panel.
Locally, some of you may have met me at the Nature & Climate Festival, which I co-founded in 2022. This has brought over 60 speakers, workshops and activities to encourage everyone to think about
climate change and how
we can live sustainably. Or perhaps at one of the monthly litter picks in Weston Green or Hinchley Wood. I’m very active with the TD&WGRA and I’ve organised the Secret Gardens of Weston Green,
Nature & Climate Photography Competition, Platinum Jubilee Picnic, three community projects for the ‘Big Help Out’ for the Coronation and I’m a Thames Ditton Today
depot. I also support most Hinchley Wood RA events and work closely with my fellow councillors in the HWRA.
I’ve helped a number of local residents on planning concerns in their neighbourhoods and I sit on the East Area Planning Committee. Elmbridge needs more small and affordable homes, but I believe that
can be achieved through appropriate development that respects the character of our surroundings.
Life is not always easy in local politics. Recently there has been considerable misinformation on social media about me and EBC’s community services, including from our local MP! This makes me livid,
but I don’t engage with it. I just get on with the job. But here’s the simple fact: EBC is committed to helping more people, not fewer (read our policies) and our community centres are not under
threat of closure. Please remember this when you read the other leaflets that come through your door.
RA councillors are committed to helping people to thrive and if you vote for me on May 2nd that is what you will get - a Councillor who puts residents first, not political ambition.